What is Platincoin? Everything You Need to Know

4 min read
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What is Platincoin? 

PLATINCOIN is a global project that aims to unite people around the world. We give you a unique opportunity to change your life and the life of people around you.

PLATINCOIN is an innovative cryptosystem that combines a learning academy, a revolutionary hybrid blockchain technology, a trendy business platform, and a social network. Today, these business directions are viewed as the most popular and profitable ones on the multi-billion market of internet technologies.

One of the PLATINCOIN cryptosystem benefits is that behind the Swiss stock company PLC Group AG there is a team of international experts. This team puts in every effort to develop and popularize the brand PLATINCOIN. The company is expanding its investment portfolio by acquiring precious metals and by participating in lucrative business projects.

The mission of PLC Group AG is to make complicated crypto technologies available to a mass audience that doesn’t possess a thorough knowledge of IT and decrease the digital divide. Click Here to Learn More or Register for Free.

Platincoin - the crypto-coin with the latest blockchain technology
The start of the mining was on 07/11/2017. The package was launched on 07/23/2017 with an issue price of € 0.10 per Platincoin and is currently moving at € 3.00(!)

The first partners have already increased their money at Platincoin by a factor of 30.0 !!!

Do not miss again a development that a Bitcoin has already done!

Platincoin goes on 03/30/2018 to the stock exchange trade:

Recently, at an event organized by the management of PLC Group AG, the stock market launch of Platincoin on 30.03.2018 was announced in Berlin. This is followed by the listing of Platinum Coins on the first crypto exchange. There then the platinum coins are freely tradable and can be bought and sold. The price of Platinum Coin will depend on supply and demand, as on all crypto exchanges. This trading capability of platinum coins also provides attractive transparency for investors. PLC Group AG is of the opinion that high volatility (fluctuation range), as e.g. when Bitcoin is observed, is largely contained. This is achieved through the extensive planning of the preparations for the stock market launch and through hedging with high assets of the PLC Group AG.

Platincoin - Address:

According to the Swiss Commercial Registry, PLC Group AG is registered at the following address:
PLC Group AG
Baarerstrasse 14
CH-6300 Zug (ZG)

Platincoin as a network system:

To achieve the Platincoin size for decentralized market launch, the management of Platincoin, in addition to network marketing, is taking advantage of further opportunities for cooperation with industry and commerce. Such networks secure the fast and comprehensive message of Platincoins in the market. The management of Platincoin offers future partners from ALL sections of the population a completely new way of participation. After the official launch, EVERYONE's registered partners can already pursue a convincing price increase with a € 50 investment and participate in it, thereby gaining all the advantages and rights of the system. You get commissions up to 11 distribution levels. You will receive commissions up to 11 distribution levels if you recommend the Platincoin to your friends and family. You will receive a sponsored link. This is unique worldwide.
In view of the potential of a new crypto coin, which can already be found in the possible price rise, see the development of BitCoins, very high profits are possible.

Purchase of Platincoins:

There will be no direct purchase of Platincoin. However, you can purchase business packages with educational content, to which the corresponding number of Platincoins is given as a gift.
The business packages are available in the size of 53.50 €, 267.50 €, 535 €, and 1070 €.
This allows the corresponding number of Platincoins to be automatically added to their wallet at the current price of 3.00 €. In this small course, there is, of course, a special attraction in view of the possibility of optical amplification.

Platincoin - Difference from other crypto coins:

  • The Platincoin will be listed on the coin exchanges shortly after the start and is then already publicly traded (Market launch 03/30/2018).
  • Sales via a network marketing, starting with packages from 53.50 €. The merits of Platincoin run over many levels with good commission.
  • The Platincoin uses a very innovative hybrid method, which summarizes the previous methods of blockchain "proof of work" and "proof of stake". This ensures extremely short transaction times of mutual payments.
  • There will be no tokens, no blocking periods for the members. The Platincoin is already tradable soon and thus also convertible into other currencies or cryptocurrencies.

Contents of the business packages:

  • Platincoins
  • Access to the business academy with training content via network marketing, cryptosystems, and the blockchain
  • After the purchase of the Platincoins, the instant secure booking is done in your own e-wallet

So you become a member of Platincoin:

Buy Platincoin

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